
Thursday, 12 December 2019

terrific tuesday at ferrymead

On Tuesday the 24th of October all of Tumu went to Ferrymead to spend the whole day there. we started off with a bit of a tour of the place and went to the station after all that we put on costumes the boys had to wear things called knickerbockers and the girls had to wear dresses with long sleeves. We lined up and did the four rules of Ferrymead they were stand up straight, take care of your shoes, ladies first, and children shall be seen but not heard. The man told us to do rule one and four until we got to the lodge hall when we got there he told us to take off our hats and look at the girls and say good morning. After that we played what's in the bag we got picked and had to pick a bag when we picked a bag it had questions in it that we had to answer some of them had pick A or pick B.

If we picked A they would ask us something like what does l and p stand for and the person who had to answer could ask someone in the crowd to tell them or give them a hint they could only get a hint once though when someone asked for a hint they would say what the other person said and if they got it right they could choose the prize of a ruler or a frog.

when the other people came back inside we got to have morning tea and it was cheerios mango and cantaloupe on a stick crackers and dip. After all that we went into the blacksmith house which was very interesting because the person there told us that the anvil is better to use on the curved side instead of the straight side because of the way the hammer hits it.

We moved on the side where there is lots of grass and ducks there was a couple of baby ducks and a mother duck the mother duck was very protective of the baby's we went over to the jail house where the jail cell is cold and damp the prisoner there was an animatronic and it was pretty funny the way he talked about what the life was like there and facts about how big it was and how many people could fit in the jail cell.

We departed from the jail cell and went to the warden's house which was very interesting because it had lots of old teapots, matchbox's, bed's and books. There was a book left on the table next to the bed. we left the jail house and went outside there was a clothes washer which was a wood frame and had metal gratesd you got the clothes and put it in water put it on the metal and rub the soap on it.

We went further on to the fire house, the fire house has two mannequins they were kind of creepy. In the fire house they had fire trucks that were like the cars from postman pat. The room was glassed off so we couldn't touch anything .The glass had some information about how the firetrucks moved around and how the hoses were used some of it said where the fires happened.

we ended up in this feild that had a house in it was a very nice house it had a bed a door a roof but the bad thing was was the house was just a roof there was no body to the house and there was nobody in the house either we went on to a wheel borough which was very big we all went on it and got a picture taken.

we got back to where we started and we got to go to this roleplay school which was a bit scary because the man there said that if you talk you will be hit with a cane we had to wright with a pen a apple a day keeps the doctor away then we had to show it to him and he would dismiss us.

I somehow managed to get separated from my group then i found them in the theater where the old movie started plying it was a movie about a father having a meeting with someone and needs to prepare a meal but he doesn't know how to cook and the daughter at school are learning how to cook. he called up the daughter at school and started running home with her friends to help and they managed to pull it off.

we left the theater and went back to where we started for afternoon tea. We then had some free time and got to play on these toys made out of wood there were stillts and sticks for banging on a stump there was go karts which were the best because you had to steer it yourself while someone else pushed you.

we had to stay out there for a bit then we went on a ferry that took us around to a river and to another part of the station which was a bit intersting. We headed back in the ferry and lined up quietly and went back on the bus to go back to school and it was home time.

if you went on a school trip where would you want to go?



Thursday, 21 November 2019

dear voting comitee

Over the past few weeks we have been learning to write both formal and informal letters. Here is an example of a letter I wrote about a political event in New Zealand's past.

July 1893.

78 coral st.

Dear voting committee, 

My name is Kate Sheppard I’m here to tell you to give women the right to vote. It is sexist and unfair that only men are allowed to vote, I think that women should have that same right as men I. will not sleep I will not stop protesting here until women get the exact same rights for voting.

Yours sincerely Kate Sheppard. 

Friday, 16 August 2019

Winter Sports 2019 eagles

2019 eagles
In winter sports you can choose the sports of soccer, Rugby, Hockey, and netball. If you choose one of the sports you also need to pick a different sport if you don't get into your first choice. You then need to trial for the sport. The person running the sport will grade you and put you into a team. If  he/she puts you in an A team you will compete with better school if you are put in the B or C team you will be versing slightly average teams. The rugby team has only one team and that is  the A team  so if you are put in that team, you can compete in tournaments. The C and B teams can't compete in tournaments. The skill level in the Eagles team, my team is about a seven. The people in our team are Kyro, Daniel, Willem, Ebony, Areil, Sid, Wiliem, Jade, Alexis and me (Matias). All the games we played were at Hagley park. The Eagles team hasn't won a lot of games. We only won three games out of 20  and one game we had a bye (a bye is when you win by default) If you are in the C or B team in any sport (on the list) and if you work hard enough, you can get up to the A or B team. The thing I want to improve on, is my passing and communication.And that is the end of my sports blog.
If you could play a winter sport what would it be?

Friday, 2 August 2019

cycle saftey

cycle safety

cycle safety is a group of people that go from school to school teaching people about being safe on the road when they came to our school it was on Tuesday for Group one on Wednesday it was for group two on Wednesday we had to go on the road it was a nightmare because we had to cross roads with cars speeding down the T intersection on Friday it was group two again and we were on the road all day first we had to practice right hand signals then we went around intersection the we went back to school for lunch then we went back to the road again and did more right turns then twenty minutes later it was all over. I hope you enjoyed my cycle saftey blog.  

if you had to do cycle safety what would you do?

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Tumu hub pbl

Our hubs PB this term is about innovation and how it can it can help and improve our lives. I think innovation can help our lives by improving and evolving things that need to be evolved like cars and bikes and parks. Being innovative can help the world by evolving and we can evolve to stop global warming and climate change I hope I have gotten you to be innovative.

How can innovation improve your life?

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

How to save the earth from climate change

The new ideas I have now since I have read this text are: How we can save the earth, How to conserve electricity, How to help the earth by recycling phones.
    This term in reading we have been reading about the environment. I have enjoyed the ways to help save the earth
For reading this week, my group read this book: Not your typical book about the environment.


I have learnt that saving the earth from climate change is important
Question: What would you do to save the earth from climate change?

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

putting kindness into action

PBL - Term 1

This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about kindness and the big question was: How can we build community through our actions?

First, we explored some collaborative activities and discussed how we could include kindness and build a sense of community through our actions at camp. Next, we were organised into groups where we had to unpack the above question. In our groups we considered how we could spread community and kindness through our entire school community. We decided that we would offer something that was free and would make others happy.

We created an action plan and put it into action by deciding on the one of twelve ideas that we had. We decided by finding out which action was better and which one would work more efficiently.

For our final product our group made the kindness cards printed and laminated them and handed them out at the gate but i couldn't get there on time.  

How did our action build a sense of community in the school? By letting all the students be more caring and kind.

I contributed by helping make the kindness quotes and cutting them out.

I think the PBL might impact on others by giving someone a cheerful quote if they were having a bad day.

What I learned about working with others was that it is easier to work with someone then without.

Do you think it would be easier to work with or without a group?